
*All Workshops are Sacred Women's Circle Gatherings*

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Squash Self-Doubt and Second-Guessing Yourself for Good for Unstoppable Success

Awareness is the key towards transformation, so let’s get you steering your ship in the direction YOU want to go. Overwhelm, exhaustion, and confusion are things of the past. Get ready to flip your script!

In this workshop I am going to teach you:

♦The truth behind why we doubt ourselves

♦How to have power over your mind vs. it having power over you

How to claim your power and give yourself what you are truly desiring

Tools to discern the difference between your mental mind and your body wisdom (intuitive mind)

♦and how to come back into the Feminine Powerhouse you were born to be

Come join us as we learn to break free from the mental prison of paralyzing thoughts that we have caged ourselves in. It’s time, sistas. 

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Awakening Your Magic & Feminine Power

Do you have trouble expressing your hearts deepest desires? Does the weight of shame and guilt make it difficult for you to own who you truly are? Do you feel unsafe around other women? Does the mental chatter in your mind make it difficult for you to move forward in your life? Are you desiring a more fulfilling life? Do you crave to remember and embody your magic as a woman so that you can be a healing force of love on this planet?

Come and join us in circle as you learn how to fully live from your Queenhood. Sacred sisterhood offers you the space to relax and receive, as you reclaim the magic that lives within you.

Circle offers a place for you to land and come, as you are, to be witnessed, held, and guided, as you release the burdens that have been keeping you from stepping into your power as a woman and living as the Gracious Queen you inherently are.

We learn how to let go of the mind, trusting and allowing our hearts to be our guide for what it is we truly desire in our lives.

To bring Amy and these specific teachings to a space near you, click the link below.

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The Empowered Empath Workshop

Do you struggle with setting boundaries, overgiving and then feeling resentful, and feeling guilty for saying no to others? Are you fatigued, exhausted, and overstimulated on a daily basis? Do you have a difficult time accepting yourself as you are and not feeling burdened by what you need to feel good in the world? Are you desiring to get a handle on being an empath – seeing your psychic skills and sensitivities as gifts rather than curses? Do you have a hard time being in large crowds, or need time alone to decompress after you are around a lot of people?

In this sacred circle, we will learn the tools and skills to best take care of ourselves and listen to what we need on a daily basis so that we are always filled up, and never giving from an empty cup, as the society we have been raised in does not support the gift of who we are as an Empath. 

It is imperative that we learn to manage our energy, and that means being able to say no to others when what is being asked of us is not in our highest good. Together we will learn why being an empath is the greatest gift (as we have the ability to move and shift energy), you will learn toolbox treasures so that you can feel good no matter what, and healthy communication skills so that you can keep your space clean and yourself safe.

Learning the skills to support who you are, as you embrace being an Empath, will rock your world and change your life for the better. You’ll feel better on a daily basis, and in return will be able to give your best self to others.

To bring Amy and these specific teachings to a space near you, click the link below.

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Safe to Shine?

Do you find yourself dimming down? Hiding your light? Are you afraid of what people will think of you if you decided to Shine? Do you find that you don’t have the right words to say in certain situations? Or you feel guilty when you give yourself what you need? Do you feel misunderstood? Would you like to learn how to trust your heart over your head?

Do you feel oppressed, judged and misunderstood when you exude confidence as a woman? Do you struggle with body image issues and negative self-talk? Do you desire to be able to celebrate yourself, where you are living from your heart, and allowing yourself to be in your softness, compassion, and vulnerability?

Learn the tools that your mother never taught you so that you can reawaken the magic that lives inside and feel Safe to Shine your light unapologetically in the world, never doubting or second guessing yourself ever again. 

To bring Amy and these specific teachings to a space near you, click the link below.

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Womb Wisdom

Do you feel uncomfortable with your sensuality and sexuality, or discomfort around your menstrual cycle? Do you rely on others to knows what’s best for you, rather than trusting yourself? Do you have difficulty being in your body and being with emotions such as sadness, anger, and fear? Are you desiring to live a self-reliant life filled with joy? Are you fascinated by the moon cycles?

Learn how powerful you truly are and how to become more conscious with self, as the more authentic relationship we have with self, the more healing we bring to the planet with our POWER.

We will be diving deep and learning how to be in your body and trust what you feel so that you are living from your power.

Become response-able and receptive to all that we are as women and all that shows up in our world so that we can use the innate power of our womanhood to live in joy and share that joy with the world.

To bring Amy and these specific teachings to a space near you, click the link below.

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Conscious Communication & Healthy Boundaries

Would you like to cultivate better discernment in your life and a deeper sense of self-trust, where you know you can always trust your intuition and learn the communication skills to express what you need?

In this workshop, you will learn the tools needed to set boundaries in a loving, yet firm manner, how to get what you want in any situation by communicating in a way that serves both parties and opens up a space of possibility as opposed to conflict, and so much more!

To bring Amy and these specific teachings to a space near you, click the link below.

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Honoring the Creatrix Within: Gifts of the Feminine

The Creatrix Workshop is a gathering of women’s wisdom through the gifts of the feminine of poetry, original song and sacred healing women’s circle of sharing and teaching.

Come and join us as we sit in sacred women’s circle healing our sisterhood, hearts and speaking our truths as we bask in the words, songs and divine teachings that have been directly channeled through to Amy.

Hear them and become inspired by the stories from which they were birthed. Relax into receiving the deep women’s wisdom that will support, nourish and stir your soul, awakening your greatest potency and potential as a magical and feminine woman.

Amy’s channeled expressions are powerful, energetic activations that will awaken and guide you in coming back to your true nature, where we honor the magical, healing power that our gifts of the feminine offer us and the world.

The divine messages that flow through Amy are full of profound wisdom and teachings that help us navigate and handle day to day life in a much more accepting, graceful, and respectful way which honors our path and makes us better for others as a potent magical woman.

To bring Amy and these specific teachings to a space near you, click the link below.

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Elemental Earth Magic

Do you have difficulty staying grounded, where you feel overly emotional, anxious, foggy, and unmotivated? Is your process of growth overly draining where you find you can’t enjoy your life? Are you desiring to manifest your dreams and desires in a more tangible way?

In this workshop, you will learn how to feel the energy of each element (Ether*Air*Fire*Water*Earth) and how they work together so that you can differentiate when an element is out of balance and have the tools to bring it back into balance where you can soar in your life!

Learn how to become empowered by the elements versus drowning in them, and how to expand your magical manifestation abilities.

To bring Amy and these specific teachings to a space near you, click the link below.

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Customize Your Own Workshop

If you would like Amy to customize a workshop for you, please share with us using the link below what you are looking for, what teachings you would like her to bring, and any other details so that we are clear on what you need.

To do this, click the link below that will take you to our booking page.


"Knowing that I have Amy in my corner helps me to allow myself to be, experience and
celebrate myself as a woman…my sincere wish is that you treat yourself with patience and kindness
with a mentor who will do the same." - Kimeiko Rae
