
Private Sessions

One on One Mentoring with Amy

Amy’s your one-stop shop for all kinds of session work! One on one is so potent as you will receive Amy’s undivided attention as she channels directly for you, and it will always be what is needed in the moment.

Amy can be of great mentorship in numerous areas of your life, from learning how to trust yourself more and never doubt yourself again, to having clear and loving communication and setting boundaries. What Amy offers is beyond words, and in the best way we can, we have a created a partial list of some of the things you may experience in session work:

 Ancestral/familial healing

♦Trusting yourself, not being taken advantage of, better boundaries

Loving communication

♦Relationship support – romantic, friendships, family, work, etc.

Valuing yourself, self-worth

♦Healing wounds from childhood, core wounds, and/or past life wounds

Learning to process a situation or experience before you react to a trigger you felt with someone; how to be response-able and not project onto others, how to look at where the growth is for YOU in session work so that the relationships in your life are more loving and easeful.

***When you do session work with Amy you can process it out in a safe space as opposed to bringing the conflict into the relationship, therefore shapeshifting the relationship to the way you want.

♦Working through blocks and things that are holding you back which can include trauma from this life and others

Healing shame, guilt, anxiety, depression, etc.

Amy helps you get to the core; it’s never about the story and it’s easy to get lost in the story, but it’s about getting to the root of what is creating the struggle and discomfort for you.

Getting clearer on what YOUR truth is and honoring that.

♦Clarity on what you want more of in your life.

A safe space to grieve, cry, celebrate, or express any emotion that needs expressing.

♦Self-care tools and practices so that your cup is always overflowing

Managing your energy and keeping your space clean so that you are not overwhelmed or drowning in the energy of others or the energy of the planet; empowering yourself as an empath.

Finding peace with who you are and what you need in order to be at your best.

♦Letting go of attachment and struggle so that you can live a life of joy.

Practical self-empowerment tools that you can use daily.

♦Personal ritual and/or at home exercises channeled for your unique energy to support your continued healing.

And so much more that truly can only be experienced in session work with Amy!

In addition to session work supporting you in the moment, so much continues to support you for years to come. It is a priceless investment that keeps on giving! 

Amy does more than just healing work and below you can view some additional areas where Amy can be of support in session work.

To get a better idea you can also check out the testimonials from our beautiful graduates below!

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Business Support

Amy offers incredible support for entrepreneurs and business owners who are looking to grow their business from their heart, using their feminine gifts to guide their offerings and to expand their ability to express the magic within!

Not only can Amy bring in the creation of programs, helping you to see the bigger picture, she can also support you in learning how to have a business that works for YOU. One that is sustainable, and is rooted in the principles of the feminine, utilizing the masculine where it’s needed to SUPPORT you so that you are replenished from your work vs being exhausted and drained. Learn to cultivate a space where all magically comes to you vs. being in the energy of hustle and push.

Amy can help you to stay true to yourself as a woman, and that’s a very different way of running a business than the way we’ve been raised. Together you will find and customize a flow that works for YOU, which will very likely not be sitting at the desk and working a 9-5 job with 40 hrs a week. It’s about finding the balance where all comes to you so that you are always birthing your business from your joy.

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Cosmetic Surgery Support

Amy’s been through the process of cosmetic surgery more than once and is here to offer support to those who are embarking on this journey! Plastic surgery is still very taboo, AND we can be both spiritual and care about what we look like. ALL of life holds and offers the energy for spiritual and personal growth and whatever brings you closer to your personal joy is to be honored. Wherever you go there you are, so it can be as it was for Amy – an incredible journey of your soul’s growth. It’s the internal AND external transformation, and having the support during this period of self – discovery is priceless.

What can come up emotionally, spiritually, psychologically, and physically, during and after the procedure is not for the faint-hearted, and it’s so worth it. Support from Amy will invite in ease and a quicker recovery with your procedure and help to ease any anxiety that can come up prior to the big day!

What can also come up and is so important is having loved ones who will surround you and be on board and supportive of your decision. If there are loved ones in your life that don’t understand this decision for you, Amy can help you navigate that and offer ways to communicate this to loved ones so that they CAN step up, celebrate and honor your transformation.

Amy had support before, during and after her surgeries, and it quickened her results and healing and relieved the stress that can come up. Let’s not only change your body, lets fully step into embodying the goddess that you truly are from the inside out, as you embark on the journey from the outside in.

Some of you may be curious, ‘What did Amy do that makes her an expert?”…in 2018 Amy made the clear decision to have the excess skin excised off her body from when she over 200 pounds up until the age of 15. Even though it wasn’t really noticeable, even in a bikini to others (she even competed and won bodybuilding and figure shows in her twenties), it REALLY always bothered Amy. She had an epiphany that she desired to live the second half of her life in the body of HER dreams and she KNEW this was attainable (and only attainable) through the avenue of Cosmetic Surgery.

She came to realize that whenever she looked in the mirror for 30 years, there were always these thoughts running in her mind, “If I was never heavy as a teenager, I wouldn’t have this loose skin” and “If I do something about it, how much space that would open up to be done with the burden of my past and what I CAN think about”…For Amy it was like she was still carrying the “old her”…

Amy lives what she teaches and went for her joy NO MATTER WHAT. Her intuition led her to one of the BEST doctors in the biz, Dr. David Stoker in Marina Del Rey, CA. She KNEW he was the one and he and his team are absolutely wonderful.

Amy underwent a HUGE procedure (probably the BIGGEST one that exists) of a lower body lift and arm lift at the same time. 6 months later, she decided to sculpt out her body even more and turn the clock back on time by having liposculpture on her hips and legs, as well as Co2 fraxel laser surgery with PRP lather on her face, neck and decollete.  

For Amy, this was a decision of self-love and giving herself whatever it was that made her happy without judgements. She is SOOOOOO beyond happy with her decision. Short term discomfort is WORTH long-term happiness.

Clearly, Amy has been through the process and can offer so much wisdom and guidance for you. It is very hard for someone who has not gone through this process to truly understand and be there for you. You are worth having the team of support for a seamless journey.

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“Working with Amy Cheryl was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Something that amazes me is
how days after my sessions with her I continue to heal, uncover new insights and grow. Her work continues beyond the hours we spent together. Through working with her, I have uncovered my own ability to create powerful magic and meaning in my life." - Zoe Solnantzin


Session work is the greatest gift that one can give
to themselves and the world. This work offers you
profound healing and a safe space for you to unwind
and reveal your shine.